03 Call Cost Per Minute Charge

03 Call Cost Per Minute Charge

Calls to 03 numbers cost the same as other standard 01 or 02 numbers, and they are included as part of ‘inclusive or free’ monthly minutes allowance - usually.

That is any 03, the call cost per minute charge will be the same as calling 01 and 02 numbers, so 0333 or 0345 or 0344 will all be same rate and minutes will count towards inclusive allowances on landlines and on mobile packages.

Numbers starting 030 are used by public services and ‘not for profit’ so Charity organisations only. Numbers starting 034 and 037 are reserved for migration from the matching 084 or 087 numbers.

When you call 03 number the 03 call cost charge to dial the number from say your mobile (if you have a contract with “inclusive minutes”) should not cost you any extra as your inclusive minutes will be used instead (callers think of these minutes, especially if unlimited, as being ‘free’).

However, if you do not have any of your minutes left then you will be charged to call an 03 number from your mobile phone – after all calls to 03 are not free unlike 080. When you call from a UK landline, phone companies will charge no more than a call to standard geographic numbers (01 or 02 numbers).

Additionally, 03 numbers should be included in any of the discount schemes and/or inclusive minutes that you are provided with for 01 or 02 numbers. If you do not have any ‘free minutes’ with your landline provider then as a general guide they should cost up to 10p per minute.

We recommend checking with your actual provider direct as 03 call cost per minute charges vary depending upon whom you are with/using but this may be some help.

  • Number Range

    033, 034, 037,



    01 02



  • Description of Number Range

    Non-Geographic 03 UK Numbers

    Not-for-profit organisations, charities and public bodies

    Non-Geographic UK Numbers

    Geographic-Numbers for Specific Areas/Locations in the UK

    Mobile numbers

    Personal Numbers regulated by the PSA

  • Service Cost From Landlines per minute

    0p to 10p

    0p to 10p

    0p Free

    0p to 10p

    10p to 30p

    4p to £3.40

  • Cost From Mobile per minute

    1p to 55p

    1p to 55p

    0p Free

    1p to 55p

    3p to 55p

    30p to £2.50