0845 0844 Call Cost Per Minute Charge

0845 0844 Call Cost Per Minute Charge

0845 and 0844 call cost per minute charges vary from 2p to maximum of 7p per minute maximum. These rates are low in comparison to other number ranges. Previously called local rate or low call rate these numbers are non-geographical.

These 0845/0844 numbers were historically used by businesses and organisations for premium sales, enquiry or customer service lines and for some pay as you go internet access services, however these days tend to be information lines, chat lines and for discounted international dial through services.

The total call cost per minute charge consists of two parts which must be combined for any 084 number. There’s a Service Charge set by the number itself.. Plus an Access Charge set by telecom provider you are using to dial the number.

The Access Charge can vary from 10p per minute from landlines or up to 55p per minute from mobile networks. Owner users of the numbers must display the service charge of the number where advertised.

We recommend checking with your actual provider direct but this may be some help.

  • Number Range




  • Description of Number Range

    Non-Geographic UK Numbers

    Non-Geographic UK Numbers

    Non-Geographic UK Numbers

  • Service Cost From Landlines per minute

    up to 7p (plus access charge)

    up to 7p (plus access charge)

    up to 7p (plus access charge)

  • Cost From Mobile per minute

    up to 7p (plus access charge)

    up to 7p (plus access charge)

    up to 7p (plus access charge)